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Essential SEO tips for small business – Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 in our series of Essential SEO tips for small business, where we share our top tips for helping your site get closer to that sought after number 1 position in the SERPs
  • Optimise images on your site – if you upload a 5mb image to your site, then this will slow it down, having a negative impact on your search ranking.
  • Optimise your images for SEO – include your target keywords in the names of images and in the alt tags.
  • Don’t forget your mobile visitors – with mobile traffic accounting for so much of the average site’s traffic now, make sure that your site works properly on smartphones and tablets – not a zoomed out version but one that adapts to each screensize.
  • Improve your websites speed and performance – get the quickest/most efficient load speed possible which helps to improve your search ranking.
    Use simple and clear URL structures – a visitor to your site should be able to guess the topic of a page, by looking at it’s url. (eg.
  • Create 301 redirects – if you change the url of a page, or remove a page, then you should redirect the old url to a new one. Otherwise the visitor is brought to an error page.
  • Create a useful 404 error page – if someone does end up on an error page on your site, link to your best content so that they are less likely to leave the site.
  • Don’t just create content – market it. If you create content, share it!
  • Social media doesn’t replace SEOSocial media should be part of your SEO strategy, not an alternative to it.
  • Give every page a unique title – making sure that every page has a title that is clear for humans to read.