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2012 Web Awards – get out the tuxedo’s!

Last Friday, we were informed that we are nominated as Web Agency of the Year! After a few minutes of disbelief and checking that someone wasn’t having a laugh with us, we looked into it and there is was, our name on the list! After some pretty intense air punching, discussing our outfits and who we should be thanking in our victory speech we realised we may be getting a little carried away! So we did some more checking and was delighted to discover that 5 sites that we’ve designed are also in the mix for an award in their respective categories!

After a little detective work, we’ve found the client that nominated us, who themselves have been shortlisted for no less than 3 categories! So, while we’re not getting the acceptance speeches ready just yet, we’re humbled that somebody would even nominate us.

So fingers crossed for our good friends at Hairy Baby, StudioForty9 who’ve also been nominated and of course ourselves!