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Fota Wildlife Park – New website is live!

It’s been a big proud day for Doodle today! Fota Wildlife website goes live! What an absolutely fantastic job to be involved with and massive thanks to StudioForty9 for involving us in this project. As per usual they were living legends to deal with and their work as per usual is absolutely top notch.

Our brief was to re design the Fota website, giving it a fresh and different feel. It needed to be fun and appealing yet serious and flexible to carry a massive amount of content and still remain very user friendly. While StudioForty9 pushed the boundaries with new cool ways to use social media and noval ways to use the site, with parts like the very cool Fotabook that pulls in various feeds from Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Flickr that relate to people talking about the park.

Fota Wildlife Park is such a great well established venue that we still have to pinch ourselves at the fact we got to design and work on the website. But after lots of hard work we’re delighted it’s launched and hope everyone loves it as much as we do – you could say we’re ‘wild about it’.