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Thinking “inside the box”

This year we were asked to go all out for St. Patrick's Day, for a local social group. And what better way to do it, than to spend 3 weeks with 15 packs of hot glue and 30 cans of spray paint!

In our usual Doodle treatment of going completely over the top with ideas, and with 110% effort, we took the same approach to last yearsHalloween costume, building an Optimus Prime costume from cardboard boxes, we thought we’d up the ante and go for 6 different costumes, and we were going to walk 1.2 miles, with an audience of nearly to 60,000 people. And to top it all off, we decided to do it, with 3 weeks left to the parade!

Following many late nights and a few helping hands, we cut, scored, glued, painted, re-glued and repainted many, many boxes, until they resembled our childhood heroes, the Transformers. After some very late, last minute glueing and painting, we bundled them off into the cars, to prepare for the parade.

Without so much as a dress rehearsal, we somehow managed to get into the suits, without destroying them and made our way down Merchants Quay and on to the staging area for the start. Once the parade got moving, we posed for plenty of photos, high fived as many onlookers as we could get to, and even managed to get a very brief 3 second slot on the evenings RTE News!!! Once the parade finished, we posed for photos, and after 45 mins had to take refuge in The Lobby Bar, while the crowds left.

While we do our best to help our clients to think outside the box, to help their brand stand out and be different, it was great fun to think “inside” the box for a little while. What will next years parade bring?